i cant believe the amount of crappy "performance chips" on ebay. if you type in lanos to the serch on there nearly 1/4 of the results are those shitty resisters. 75 hp for $20..... i think not.
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yeah the guy gave it to his parents he copied my whole taillight deal. he only had the jetspeed front bunper tho. and he cracked it all to hell. he's not around anymore and the lanos is goin to shit
so i put an order into ecost.com monday morning, adn they waited tilli called them to tell me that i had to confirm my info, it would have been nice if they would have called or emailed saying they needed info, now i wont have my big projection screen this weekend, shitty!
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funny as shit today. i had to pull radio out of an aveo b/c in was locked out. and they said they weren't too sure if they could find the code for it. (they did) i told them if anything i'll find it on the internet for them since its just a rebadged woo. my boss said its not porn so you can't find it. i told him i might not get off but daewoos still give me a hard on. he just started busting out laughin.
I think it's funny people can sell a resistor in a bit of plastic for $20
Ebay is the ultimate "If it's too good to be true, it probably is".
I like the 1 DIN DVD/7" screen for AUD$170 from Hong Kong and you read the feedback and most are people saying how some part didnt work, usually the screen or it doesn't even take the CDs. Then it has the companies reply saying send it back AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE