does anyone know if they make it?

Forced induction, NA tunning, exhaust, just performance

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does anyone know if they make it?

Post by toodles »

I am looking for a turbo or a supercharger kit for a 2000 lanos hatchback.If some one even makes it.if not i am going to install a quad 4 gm mtor with the gm performance parts supercharger kit for a j body.And i am a gm technician so i know i can do this.also does any one know where i can get a rear spoiler for my car.I cant seem to find anywhere to get one however i have seen one on a car in town.

just a technical note guys, the lanos uses a 4t40e automatic transmission so converting over to a quad 4 with a 4t40e trans should be painless.I am going to do this so ill let you know how it goes and ill post pictures.also gm performance parts makes many mods for the quad engine.(forged rods,forged crank,etc..).