i wouldn't start your car at all until you get it out of there. melted plastic in something thats supposed to well lubricated doesn't sound like a good combo.
There is a pan in the bottom of the transmission that has about 8 bolts on it that I could probably take off and that gear would probably be located right under it.
YAY!... Well I took that pan out and sure enough, right there in the bottom of the sucker was that stupid plastic gear... AND a lot of tranny fluid... I caught about 99% of it in a pan (which is still draining). I should probably put new transmission fluid in there, shouldn't I?
Yeah me too.. besides... I think the fluid is contanimated now anyway since the pan dropped down into the catch pan I had put below it (it had some dirt and grime on it). Is there a particular brand of tranny fluid I should use (so I know when I have to run to the store).
I know it says SAE 80W tranny fluid, or SAE 75W for a cold area (there is snow on the ground and we have fairly harsh winters, so I'm guessing the 75W would be better.
i just tried doin a search for ya but can't find nothing right off the bat. i think the stuff you need is something called "drexton II" (spelling). but then again i'm not sure. if anything just ask where you buy the fluids from.
That Dextron 2 stuff is for the automatic transmissions. My owners manual says I need the SAE 75W tranny fluid for the manual transmission in a cold climate. Or 80W for regular climate... of course I don't know if it makes a big difference.
Hehe yep. So... as it turns out... that isn't a "Speed Sensor" according to DaewooUS (who still sells parts)... It's actually called "Sensor A-Distance"... I ended up talking to some guy at DaewooUS.
Ordered the new part, $21 + $12 for shipping (I paid $5 extra for 2 day shipping). Had to put the remaining parts of the old one back in and I still have to get my hands on some tranny fluid (later tonight). But all should be well.