Need Leganza Grill

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Joined: Sat Apr 29, 2006 12:47 am
Location: Dallas, TX

Need Leganza Grill

Post by ejay2938 »

:D I need a Leganza grill, if you have one, please respond.
The "E"

Everything in creation was created for a purpose, just because the knowledge
of that purpose is not known, doesn't mean a purpose doesn't exist.
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Joined: Sat Nov 13, 2004 6:53 pm
Location: Atlanta, Georgia

I havea grill

Post by chefrobert »

I have a used 99 for 45 or a NOS 2001 for 65.00
I currently own two
different 2001 CDX Leganzas
Great Great Experiences thus far!
As long as my timing belt hold out!